Displaying 26 - 28 of 28

DateTeacherTypeStudentHeureNiveauSkills match Profile?Skill level appropriate?# Skills match course length?# skills appropriate for # of lessons done?Other comments
22/02/2018KellyIndividuelleMartin Leyer00:00Pre IntYesYesYesNo

16 year old student who wants to go to the USA

08/02/2018TimIndividuelleMorgane Ajax Founkeu15:00Int AYesYesNoNo

Only one skill chosen - two lessons taught

07/02/2018TimIndividuelleYvan Erbs18:30Int BYesYesNoNo

This student has been shared, but sometimes not the right competences have been chosen for the lesson objectives.
There are only six competences in total and only three have been validated after 9 lessons

DateTeacherTypeStudentHeureNiveauSkills match Profile?Skill level appropriate?# Skills match course length?# skills appropriate for # of lessons done?Other comments