Easy Access Learning

Sur cette page, vous trouverez des exercices e-learning qui vous permettront d'acquérir des compétences linguistiques solides dans le domaine de la logistique et du transport, un secteur au cœur de la mondialisation qui nécessite la pratique de l'anglais considéré comme la langue d'usage internationale.

Vous pourrez donc apprendre tout le vocabulaire spécifique à ce secteur et travailler votre compréhension orale notamment à l'aide de différents podcasts adaptés à votre niveau. Grâce à ces exercices vos obtiendrez les connaissances essentielles pour évoluer dans le milieu de la logistique et du transport.

Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus sur nos formations en anglais à distance, avec un formateur anglophone à votre disposition pour vous accompagner, vous inspirer et vous motiver.

Podcast pour tester votre compréhension

Une fois le podcast écouté, vous pouvez tester votre compréhension dans la partie suivante.

  1. What reasons does she give for logistics being important to the supply chain? Give 2
  2. How much do some estimate the logistics market to be globally?
  3. How much is the market expected to grow in France in coming years?
  4. What has the Covid-19 crisis caused a change in?
  5. How could the Internet of Things help logistics providers? Give 2 areas
  6. What percentage of transportation costs does the transportation of goods to the final destination account for?
  7. How many units could be sold worldwide 2019-2021?
  8. Why is collaboration needed between automation and human input?
  9. What did covid-19 pandemic show the importance of with regards to humans?
  10. How is the logistics industry going to be increasingly important because of covid? Give 2
  1. What reasons does she give for logistics being important to the supply chain? Give 2

Answer: helping products arrive on time, products arrive safe, better customer service, better product availability

  1. How much do some estimate the logistics market to be globally?

Answer: $12 trillion

  1. How much is the market expected to grow in France in coming years?

Answer: 4.5%

  1. What has the Covid-19 crisis caused a change in?

Answer: customer demand, ecommerce

  1. How could the Internet of Things help logistics providers? Give 2 areas

Answer: optimised routes, picking and packing alerts

  1. What percentage of transportation costs does the transportation of goods to the final destination account for?

Answer: 53%

  1. How many units could be sold worldwide 2019-2021?

Answer: 485,000 units

  1. Why is collaboration needed between automation and human input?

Answer: increasing demand for more complex logistics, freeing employees for more high value activities

  1. What did covid-19 pandemic show the importance of with regards to humans?

Answer: flexibility, problem-solving

  1. How is the logistics industry going to be increasingly important because of covid? Give 2

Answer: shift to ecommerce, transparency in supply chain, better forecasting of risk and demand, preventing over-dependence on regions